Effective Chess Strategy for Beginners

For centuries, commoners and nobles have played the game of chess. Inexperienced players are often intimidated by the game. Have you watched a chess game played by the masters? If you have, then you probably noticed the chess pieces dancing around the board. If you want to improve your skills, you need to learn chess strategy for beginners to get you started on the game.

The chess strategies for beginners can be very useful for a novice like you. If you try it with experienced players, you can easily be beaten. Beginner chess strategies are simple and easy to understand. However, things become complicated if you’re not very much familiar with the basic rules of the game. You should try to understand the rules as you learn the beginner chess strategies.

The game pace is a very important consideration. In competitive chess, a timer is required. Since you’re a beginner, you will only engage in casual play where there is no timer. Chess strategy for beginners should not be rushed so you need to take time in working out a strategy. When you finally decide to play a timed game, consider the time as your ally so that you can easily develop a good strategy and discard the useless moves.

Chess strategy for beginners will teach you to sacrifice certain pieces to ensure triumph. However, when you need to sacrifice a piece, make sure that you get something in return (a piece with equal/higher value). Your score can be affected if you can’t get a piece in return.

Castling moves are also taught in beginner chess strategies. If you can castle, do so. You can perform this action if the King and the Rook hasn’t moved previously in their respective positions. This move can make a great wall against the attacking force.

Plan 3 moves in advance. This is a very effective strategy for beginners that you can also try out. Your opponent will instantly react without actually knowing that you have devised a trap when he sees you making fast moves. As your opponent makes a move, try to study it for a few seconds to determine if your planned move can still work. Even if you’re a beginner, you should always have a backup plan to counter your opponent’s moves.

The Queen is irreplaceable and versatile and so most chess strategies tell you not to sacrifice it. A pawn can be promoted to Queen once it reaches the board’s other side but this rarely happens. The Queen should always be guarded like the King.

You must be equipped with the most effective chess strategy for beginners to be a better chess player. To gradually improve your skills, it’s a good idea to play with good and experienced players. You will not be able to enhance your knowledge about the game if you simply stick with new players. Log on to the net and find more beginner chess strategies that you can use for your future chess games.

Chess Strategy Basics

Chess strategy basics are important in the game of chess. It includes the achievement and planning of a long term aim all throughout the game play. It consists mainly of the positioning and strategical placing of different chess pieces while concentrating quick and smart maneuvers to corner and capture the opponent’s King. In order for you to achieve your goal, this two thinking parts of chess must always be connected. The reason for this is that your strategic goals are attained mainly by tactics manner while opportunities in tactics come from the past strategy of your chess game play.

The most basic strategy in chess is by planning every movement of your pieces ahead of time. You should have formulated plans in mind that will help you have advantage in the game. Planning ahead does not allow you get lost in the game. While planning your chess piece movements, you should also adapt your moves based on your opponent’s move. If you are so focused on your own plan, you can miss some critical advances that your opponent will do and can result for an early loss of your game.

Focus on every movement that your opponent will do so that you will know what to counter act or do in your next turn. You should always consider the value of each piece on the board and evaluate them accordingly. You can have better advantages and have an edge in the endgame and even win the game if you know your values.

You need to focus on your King safety and security at all times. Your King must be well protected always to be able for you to continue your play. Remember that the main goal of the chess game is to corner and capture the King. Once your King is captured, it means the end of the game and you lost the game also. The King is the most valuable piece on the board game so you need to protect it at all cost. Securing your King means securing the game and winning.

Reducing your opponent’s chess pieces is also one way of getting an edge in the game. The more opponent’s chess pieces you capture, the more the chance you get in capturing his or her King in the end game. You should try to deal more damages to the other force as capture as many as you can in the middle game stage. In this way, there will be a little number of chess pieces that can protect his or her King in the end game that can result in an easy checkmate for you.

There are many more chess strategy basics that you can learn as you move on and practice with more other players whether they are beginners or experienced. But obviously, you can get and learn many great strategies on experienced players. Books are also a great way to learn more chess strategies and tactics. Buy books that will suits your skill level and have fun learning all strategies in chess game written in there.

Chess Strategy 2.0 for Better Chess Game

In chess game, you need to develop and formulate the best strategy possible in that given situation of your game play. This article will try to give you some guidelines on chess strategy 2.0 and how you can apply and be better in the game of chess. If you would like to read more, continue reading below.

Chess game has three separated stages called the opening game, middle game, and end game. These three stages need different strategical approach in order for you to win your game. The opening game is where you plan and placed your chess pieces strategically to form a position that will have the greatest advantages in the middle game. The middle game is where you will battle and perform attacks on your opponent’s pieces to be able to capture them and of course defense, for the safety of your King because the game will end if one of your King was captured and the player whose King is captured lose the game. The end game is where the game is concluded. As said earlier, when one King is captured, the capturer wins the game.

One of the good opening moves is to advance your King’s Pawn, 2 squares forward. You need to protect this Pawn by usually moving your Queen’s Pawn this time in one space only or move the Queen’s Knight to protect that Pawn also. At all times, check your King’s safety, before and after each of your movements. You can protect your King by castling early.

Never leave your chess pieces even your Pawns under attack. You should very well guide them with another chess piece. In case of attack, you must not sacrifice any of your chess pieces without a significant reason like obtaining a much higher value of exchange or needing a square to a much better advantage later on in the game.

Pinning your opponent’s pieces is also a great chess strategy. Immobilizing them to not make an attack is very beneficial to you. A chess piece is pinned if it cannot move or stuck with the reason of a more valuable piece may be attack if you move it. For instance, Bishops are often pinned by Knights in the opening. The pin is alleviate by the movement of a valuable piece which is the King or my positioning another piece.

You should always check out the safety and security of your King. Check out every each turns also whether your opponent’s King is exposed so that you could launch an attack. Consider every movement of your opponent and ask your self what he or she is trying to do. Adapt your moves on your opponent’s move as well as think of strategies of your own. Do not rush on your movements and plan them carefully. Attack and defend at the same time and put your chess pieces in good moves always.

These are helpful chess strategy 2.0 that you can use to have a better and more fun game of chess. Remember them always and you can possibly outwit your opponent.

Chess Strategies in PDF File Formats

Chess enthusiasts are enjoying the wealth of information provided on the internet that will help them in enhancing their skills as a chess player. Newbies are also benefiting from the info sources on the web because they can learn a lot about the basics, rules, point system, chess strategies, and tactics of chess. In minutes after reading the info sources, anyone can play the game. Chess strategies PDF is also available online.

PDF stands for portable document format and it was created in 1993 by Adobe Systems for purposes of document exchange. Chess strategies PDF is now obtainable which serves as a very useful tool for chess players who want to learn more about the various chess strategies used by experienced players. It’s not hard to find these chess strategies PDF because if you simply type the words in any search engine, you can find hundreds to thousands of results. The PDF file formats were written by chess experts and experienced players so you can be sure that you’re getting credible info.

As you surf the internet, you might encounter info sources which are not sound. You see, the internet is also a niche for scammers and unscrupulous individuals who want to mess with the lives of internet users. You need to be extra careful in downloading files because it might contain a virus. Make sure that you choose only reputable and established sites so that you can be sure that you’re getting useful chess strategies PDF.  

Chess strategies PDF is very important because you can learn a lot on how to become a good chess player. Newbies and advanced players make use of these info sources to increase their knowledge in the game. Chess strategies should be used together with effective tactics to ensure game victories. The strategies are divided into opening chess strategies (PDF), middle game chess strategies (PDF), and the endgame chess strategies (PDF). With so many sources online, you need to focus your search on a specific area.

In the chess strategies PDF file formats, you can learn more about goal setting, chess positions, and long term tactics that you can use in your future play. Before you make any move, you must consider the value of each piece, the pawn structure, position of the pieces, King’s safety, square groups (open files, white/black squares, diagonals, etc), and control of the key squares. You should also consider your opponent’s possible moves and the moves that you plan to make after it.

While you’re playing, you can mentally calculate for the value of all your chess pieces found on both sides. But you need to be aware that the values change based on the position, piece coordination, and the position type. If you can’ understand any of these things, go back to the fundamentals of chess. You can also find PDF formats of chess fundamentals.

Chess strategies PDF file formats can be very useful. Search the internet now to enhance your chess skills. Soon, you can play with the experienced players by using such strategies.

Chess Moves and Strategies – Importance of Castling

Some Chess Strategies

In the game of chess, under no circumstances, you should not refer the Rook as “castle”. The term “castle” in chess game is only use when you move your King to the position of the Rook and your Rook in the position of the King. “Castle” in a chess game is one of the chess moves and strategies and not one of the chess pieces.

Castling is the term used when you performed a special move of your King and his one Rook. The King will move in two squares towards the corner of the board to occupy the square of his Rook. The Rook then, will jumps over your King and occupy the adjacent square. This special move is important aside of it being a cool move.

The objective of the chess game is to capture or checkmate one’s King so at all time, your King needs to be secured and safe from harm of the opponents’ pieces to go on the game and eventually win. The first utmost importance of castling is to secure your King away from the chess board center. The center of the board game is predominantly where the battle is so you better not want your King close from the main area of the battle. If your King is in the corner side of the board game, then your other chess pieces will have a much easier job of defending your King. Moreover, the opponent’s pieces will have a much difficult time to attack the corner than the center of the board.

The next of the reason why you should castle is that you need to get your Rook out of your corner to be able to participate early in the game. The Rook begins its life in the chess board’s corner; it is somehow the only chess piece that is not restricted by being in the corner of the board. However, castling may help your Rooks for two proven reasons. One is that in the center of the board game, there are likely to have many of Pawn exchanges, thus it opens opportunities for your Rooks to travel on. In spite of the fact that the Rook is proportionately powerful on any of the squares in an empty board but in reality the empty board is usually not empty. Since the center, Pawns are the ones getting exchanged more rapidly than the other Pawns. Your Rook should be positioned in the center to be able to protect your center Pawns. It can also benefit from the squares that open up when those center Pawns are swapped. Last reason is that as you move your pieces, except of your King off your first rank, they can battle and defend your King more effectively.

Castling in the chess game is the only movement that allows you to move two chess pieces in one move. If you aim to mobilize your pieces quickly and be more advantageous to your opponent then you could use castling.

There are many more chess moves and strategies you could use. Some are basic winning movements and others are self developed strategies that you could use to win a game of chess.